Whatever Happened to that Non-compete Ban?

After the FTC banned Non Compete agreements, a lot of questions and concerns have come up, as well as a couple of court cases that have threatened the viability of the FTC’s rule. In this episode, dental lawyer Joseph McGregor answers the most asked questions and...

Are you doing your due diligence?

No two practices are the same, so doing your due diligence before buying a practice will look different in every practice acquisition. But how do you know what to do and what to look for? In this episode, dental lawyer Joseph McGregor breaks down what doing your...

Who Do You Need In Your Dream Team?

When buying or starting a practice, everyone will tell you that you need a team. But who should be on that team? And is it necessary that they have experience in the dental field? And if so, how much experience is enough? In this episode, dental lawyer Joseph McGregor...